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University & Professional Development

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The UK is a global leader in science and innovation.  The East of England showcases the science industry and is a pioneer to support the growth and development to ensure we stay number 1.  

West Suffolk College is also committed to support this growth and we deliver Science Based qualifications in both Bury St Edmunds and Cambridge.  Learners are coming from far and wide to be a part of these courses and are being rewarded with excellent skills and knowledge, together with long standing careers in the Science sector.

As a lab technician, you could work in a variety of settings; this could include Research and Development into new drugs or vaccines or Quality Control in Manufacturing and Product development including Food Science. Technicians also work in hospital, environmental or public health laboratories. Other areas of employment could include working in Animal Health Care, a school or other educational establishment.

The lab technician programme is currently offered at Level 3 with the opportunity to progress to a higher level apprenticeship.