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Voluntary Work

What are the benefits of volunteering?

Well that is a very good question! Basically, research has proven that students who have completed work experience either paid or voluntary, are more confident, motivated and have a better awareness of the world around them.  They develop those essential life skills which can translate into a wider impact whether this is in communicating with others on social issues such as homelessness, the environment and recycling or leading others in a range of community projects it all helps them to prepare for their working career.

Students are our future - volunteering provides an opportunity to gain the practical skills needed to start making an active change.

Five good reasons to volunteer

  1. Make a real difference - Your help and support can make a huge difference to your community and those around you.
  2. Be community spirited - Becoming a volunteer will broaden your horizon and you’ll probably learn new things about the city or town you’re living in
  3. Meet new people - Volunteering is a great way to meet new people and widen your social circle in the process. It can help to build future connections
  4. Gain new skills and experience - You will expand upon your own knowledge by learning from the people you meet, widen your skill set and give that CV    a boost and help develop transferable skills such as time management, organisation and communication/social skills which will set you up for work in the real world.
  5. Boosts your own health and well-being - Volunteering is not only good for those you’re helping, but it’s also great for your own well-being. Knowing that you’re doing something valuable should make you feel pretty good about yourself.

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