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University & Professional Development

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School Engagement

West Suffolk College’s mission is to help work with young people in local schools and sixth form colleges, and their parents and carers, giving them the best impartial information and advice about future prospects and opportunities. We work closely with schools to support them in their delivery of the eight Gatsby Benchmarks*, by offering a full range of activities in and outside the school. Depending on the group size, location and the time of the year, activities can be tailored to meet your needs. All of these activities are designed to help your pupils make informed decisions about their future.

Head to the Primary, Secondary or Sixth Form sections to explore what we can offer

*8 Gatsby Benchmarks

  1. A stable careers programme

  2. Learning from career and labour market information

  3. Addressing the needs of each pupil

  4. Linking curriculum learning to careers

  5. Encounters with employers and employees

  6. Experiences of workplaces

  7. Encounters with further and higher education

  8. Personal guidance

Head to our Careers, Advice and Guidance page for more information about the Gatsby Benchmarks