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BE NICE SOCIALAlan Langdon recently completed the Improving Personal Exercise, Health and Nutrition course run by our Sudbury Learning Centre.

A retired company director has praised the positive impact one of our online courses has had on his health and wellbeing.

Alan Langdon recently completed the Improving Personal Exercise, Health and Nutrition course run by our Sudbury Learning Centre.

Mr Langdon, a former director of global freight specialists Woodland Group, said the course had changed his attitude towards staying fit and healthy.

He explained: “I thoroughly enjoyed the course and learnt so much that has sincerely changed my lifestyle attitudes.

“I have always enjoyed sports but wanted to know more about nutrition and the links between the two.

“My goal is now one of longevity - I am at an age whereby what I once took for granted I now have to look after and so plan my activities to avoid the risk of injury and to enjoy sports including new targets and challenges for as long as possible.”

Alongside participating, Mr Langdon, 62, who lives in Cavendish, said the modules on nutrition were equally helpful and praised the “extremely supportive” staff at the Sudbury Learning Centre.

He added: “It was important for me is to gain awareness and understand why a balanced and healthy diet is so vital and also how the body reacts nutritionally.

“We are in a time now where it is important to be healthy and the choice of foodstuffs is so important, as is planning meals to ensure they contain the right levels of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

“I consider that I now have a responsibility for my own wellbeing and that mental health is in part determined by a healthy diet and exercise activities.

“I have always had an active job and I wanted to do something after I retired and this course was certainly a wise choice.”