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Students of West Suffolk College and pupils of Abbots Green Primary School with giant wooden jubilee crown.Students and staff of West Suffolk College presenting the 12-foot crown to pupils and teachers of Abbots Green Primary School.

West Suffolk College carpentry and joinery students paid tribute to the Queen’s Jubilee earlier this year by building a 12 foot crown in honour of her majesty.

The work was completed at the Suffolk Show where the feature was showcased for the first time in the skills area of Trinity Park back in June 2022.

Whilst at the Suffolk Show, the College asked local primary schools in Suffolk to enter a competition to win this work of art.

As a result of this, Abbots Green Primary School were randomly picked out of the hat and received the wooden tribute in their playground earlier this week.

The crown now stands in pride of place at the school based on Moreton Hall in Bury St Edmunds where children have been using the new play area in a variety of different ways according to assistant head teacher, Rod Marsh.

Rod said: “We gratefully accepted gazebo and the children have enjoyed having it here. It’s been a palace, a football stadium and it’s been used in many different ways. Also, to have it here with recent events in mind relating to the Queen has been poignant and timely.”

Headteacher Ang Morrison was also delighted to have received the tribute as it falls in line with their policy relating to outdoor learning. Ang said: “We have always embraced outdoor learning and we will incorporate the gazebo in to as many learning opportunities as we can, whilst respecting the fact that it is an ongoing legacy for her majesty. Thanks to winning the competition, we plan to work with the college as part of a careers event for primary schools and then create more partnership projects in the future. Hopefully this is the start of something quite special in terms of our relationship with West Suffolk College.”

Carpentry and joinery lecturer, Brian Tunbridge said: “All of the students are current apprentices who work for Taylor Made Joinery. They worked hard on this project and I’m proud of them. It’s great to see it the crown taking centre stage at Abbotts Green Primary. We look forward to working with them and other primary schools in the future.”

One of the joiners to work on the project was student Aidan Taylor. Aidan, an apprentice at the College was previously taught by headteacher of Abbots Green, Ang Morrison when he was at nursery. The two shared memories after the handover had taken place.