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Overview of apprenticeship

The Healthcare Science Associate workforce supports the work of HCS Practitioners and Clinical Scientists in performing high quality, safe diagnostic, therapeutic and monitoring technical and scientific procedures from conception to end of life in job roles within hospitals, general practice and other settings in the healthcare sector and across all areas. They perform a wide range of routine technical and scientific procedures, with minimal supervision, following specific protocols and in accordance with health, safety, governance and ethical requirements. Associates work within a multi-disciplinary team within the limits of their competence, and must seek help and support whenever this is required. They must be aware of the requirements of Good Scientific Practice, which articulates the standards for the HCS profession and upon which this apprenticeship standard is based .

Delivery Plan and Assessment

You will get the training you need to do the job. This will include health and safety and an introduction to the department and its ways of working. Some of your training will be specific to your job role.

You may be offered the chance to take qualifications such as the Pearson BTEC Level 2 Certificate in Introduction to Healthcare Science, if you're working as a healthcare science assistant.

if you're working as a healthcare science associate, then you may be offered the chance to take qualifications such as the Pearson BTEC Level 4 Certificate in Healthcare Science.

Apprenticeships in healthcare science at level 4 (for healthcare science associates) are being developed by the National School of Health Care Science. 

Where will this course take me?

We have excellent links with local sector specialists to provide you with meaningful work placement and a dedicated work placement officer who will support you to develop your skills prior to going into placement. These include: West Suffolk Hospital, Addenbrookes Hospital, East of England Ambulance Services, One Life Suffolk, Future Life, The Mix Stowmarket, St Nicolas Hospice, Riverwalk School, and many more regional specialists. This diversity of placement provides you with a good fit for your personal development and career interests.

The programmes give you opportunities to gain understanding of the diversity of employment opportunities within the sector with visiting speakers and career events, enabling you to learn about careers that may be new to you, the staff are also from a broad career background, including public health, nursing, social work, wellbeing, physiotherapy, midwifery, and family support, which supports students to gain varied career advice. 

The department also has excellent links with charitable foundations and care homes that enhance their learning experiences through project work. 

Additionally, students can develop their work ready skills through additional training and qualifications including Safeguarding and first aid qualifications. Careers events, Public Health Conference, as well as immersive experiences such as operating theatre live.

Down to business, what can I do and what can I earn?

 Your wage is decided by your employer however must meet the National Minimum Wage regulations

Entry requirements

For healthcare science associate positions, you're likely to need A levels (including at least one science) or relevant level 3 vocational qualifications in healthcare science and some relevant experience of working in healthcare science. Level 4 apprenticeships for healthcare science associates have been approved.


The AHCS will require the Level 4 Diploma in HCS as an underpinning qualification for the HCS Associate apprenticeship. Apprentices without level 2 English and maths will need to achieve this prior to taking the end-point assessment.

How is this funded?


Apprentices are not required to contribute financially towards Apprenticeship training.


If you are an employer with an annual wage bill of £3 million or more, you will pay into an apprenticeship levy. This levy is then used to pay for the training element of the apprenticeship course.  The total figure for the Apprenticeship is negotiated before enrolment and once confirmed will be taken in monthly payments from your account directly to us or paid to us via invoice should additional fees be required.

If you are an employer with an annual wage bill of under £3 million, the Government will fund 95% of the training fee meaning you will be required to contribute 5%.  You may be required to contribute additional fees which we will invoice the company for.  The additional fees will be made known and negotiated prior to the Apprentice enrolment.

There are additional incentives available if you are a small employer (under 50) and if you train/recruit a 16-18 year old or 19-24 year old with an Education Health and Care Plan.

Contact us on 01284 716235 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for further details of costs and how Apprenticeships are funded.

Try out our apprenticeship levy calculator here

Try out our apprenticeship levy calculator here

I'm interested. What should I do now?

The first step is to make an application for the area you are interested in. You will have the opportunity to discuss the different course options available during the interview stage and staff will confirm which course is suitable for your future plans. 

Days & times

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